Kranti is one of a few teachers in the world certified by the KPJAYI in Mysore (now Sharath Jois Institute), India to teach the ashtanga method. He is coming back to SHALA Prague to teach morning mysore classes and an Adjustment workshop.
Kranti visits Shala Prague regularly twice a year as a senior teacher to mentor our students. This is a very special opportunity for ashtanga practitioners in the Czech Republic and Prague to have a certified teacher (SYC/KPJAYI) to come as a visiting teacher and lead a regular mysore program.
Jsme moc rádi, že nás opět navštíví certifikovaný učitel Kranti. SYC/KPJAYI certifikovaných učitelů je jen pár desítek na světě a k tomu, aby byl učitel certifikován (Sharathem nebo dříve Pathabim Joisem) je potřeba pravidelně jezdit každý rok do Mysore po mnoho let a dokončit třetí sérii, kterou poté certifikovaný učitel může učit. Kranti Shalu Prague navštěvuje pravidelně dvakrát do roka, aby dohlížel na výuku z pozice senior učitele. Kranti dlouhodobě žije v Tokiu, Japonsku, kde vede svůj mysore program. Kranti bude učit ranní mysore, pro všechny úrovně pokročilosti studentů s vlastní pravidelnou praxí.
2 - 14 December 2024
Kranti will be teaching a regular morning mysore program. His many years of daily ashtanga practice and teaching will help you immensely with your own practice. Kranti teaches full first, second, third & part of forth series (depending on your own experience and practice advancement).
Kranti bude učit pravidelný ranní mysore program. Jeho mnohaleté zkušenosti praktikanta ashtangy a učitele vám pomůžou posunout se v praxi dále a nasbírat cenné informace. Kranti učí celou první, druhou, třetí a část čtvrté série (v závislosti na vaší pokročilosti a praxi).
Monday 2/12 - Saturday 14/12 2024
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri (pondělí, úterý, středa, čtvrtek, pátek)
6:00 - 9:00 mysore practice
Moon day - no moon day this time! :-)
Saturday (sobota) 8:00 - 9:30 Led Primary
Only students who practiced with Kranti before can attend as a drop-in. Preference will be given to students attending full two weeks or one week.
Pouze studenti, kteří s Krantim již dříve praktikovali mohou přijít jako drop-in.
1 week practice 1.800 CZK (add on to your valid membership/ class pass)
2 weeks practice 3.000 CZK (add on to your valid membership/ class pass)
drop-in 500 CZK (add on to your valid membership/class pass)
(non-members are practitioners without a monthly membership or monthly class pass)
1 week practice 3.300 CZK
2 weeks practice 5.300 CZK
drop-in 800 CZK
Where: Shala Prague, Trojanova 18, Praha 2
All payments are final. No cancelations or refunds available.
Všechny platby jsou závazné a nevratné.
Join Kranti for a transformative workshop focused on the art of backbends.
Saturday 7/12 2024, 10:00 - 12:30
Price: 2.200 CZK
Whether you're a seasoned yogi or you're just starting your journey, this masterclass is designed to help you explore the benefits of backbending in a safe and supportive environment.
Backbends are known for opening the heart, improving posture, increasing spinal flexibility and boosting energy levels.
During this session, Kranti will guide you through a series of warm-ups, core strengthening exercises, and step-by-step progressions into various backbends. With a strong emphasis on alignment and breathwork, you will learn how to deepen your practice, safely access backbends and experience a sense of openness and release.
We will conclude with restorative poses and a guided relaxation to leave you feeling refreshed and balanced.
Come, open your heart, expand your practice and embrace the joy of backbends.
Suitable for all levels, beginners and advanced practitioners alike.
All payments are final. No cancelations or refunds available.
Všechny platby jsou závazné a nevratné.
About Kranti:
Born in Italy, his background as a child and teenager was in martial arts, Aikido, Kung Fu and Savate. At 14 years of age, Kranti read his first book on meditation by Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh), which profoundly opened new perceptions in his life. When 21 years old he went to India for the first time and returned back few years later to spend extended periods at the Osho Commune International in Pune, attending different self-transformation workshops and groups as well as bodywork training relating to Ayurveda, yoga, and psychotherapy.
Returning back to Europe in 1996, Kranti decided to go deeper into yoga practice and took his first intensive one-year teacher training in Milan with Carlo Patrian, one of the pioneers in introducing yoga to Italy. Later on living in Berlin for three years, he was introduced to ashtanga vinyasa yoga and he fell in love with the practice.
Kranti spent 4 years in Copenhagen teaching ashtanga, and hatha vinyasa. He taught various yoga enthusiasts including dancers, actors and athletes. One of his regular students included the Princess of Denmark, Mary Donaldson.
In 2002 Kranti met Richard Freeman in France at a Paris workshop. Deeply inspired by Richard’s versatile open approach to yoga and yoga philosophy, Kranti went to Boulder, Colorado in 2003 to attend a one-month intensive teacher training with Richard. The experience took him deeper into understanding the Ashtanga vinyasa system, meditation and philosophy.
In 2004 Kranti completed a course in Yoga Therapy at the Yoga Biomedical Trust of London, England. During the course he worked with students who had heart disease and was moved by the powerful healing aspects of integrating yoga practice into daily life as complimentary alternative therapy. Kranti is also a deep tissue and ayurvedic massage practitioner, a registered teacher with the Yoga Alliance (RYT and E-RYT 500 hours), and completed the Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Sarah Powers.
Since 2005, Kranti has routinely studied in Mysore, India, under the guidance of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and his grandson Sharath Jois. He received Authorization Level 1 to teach Ashtanga Yoga from Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in 2008, and in 2010, Kranti received Level 2 Authorization. In 2012, he was Certified by the K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Institute (KPJAYI).
Kranti completed the advanced A (third series) and is working on advanced B (fourth series) of ashtanga. He lives in Japan, Tokyo where he teaches daily mysore program.
His interest in the body-mind-spirit connection inspires him to continue on a path of daily exploration and self-inquiry. His classes are dynamic and challenging with focus on maintaining softness and ease through body-mind awareness, encouraging students to not forget to keep a smile on their face! Through his teachings, Kranti will help you tap into your own true unique potential.