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Denisa založila Shalu Prague v září 2015, poté co byla ve stejném roce Sharathem Joisem (dříve KPJAYI, nyní SYC) autorizována učit metodu ashtangy. Denisa se k ashtanze dostala, když žila v Londýně a snažila se najít způsob, jak si doléčit operované koleno. "Náhodou" objevila ranní mysore program a Cary Perkins se stala její první učitelkou na další 4 roky. V roce 2012 odjela poprvé do Mysore studovat se Sharathem Joisem a od té doby tam jezdí pravidelně. Mezitím se přestěhovala z Londýna, kde žila 11 let a pracovala jako módní návrhářka, zpátky do Prahy. Svůj čas tráví učením ashtangy, šířením této metody, provozem Shaly a rodinným životem.

Fei Fei

Feifei has started her yoga journey in 2015. After attending various yoga classes, she eventually fell in love with Ashtanga yoga. Joining a yoga conference in Dujianyuan, China in June 2015 and being able to practice
under the guidance of Sharath Jois and a selected group of assistants, has had a deep impact on her understanding of yoga. Before committing to a daily practice with her teacher Yan, Feifei has spent a week in Bali studying with a certified teacher Mark Robberds and it was at that 
time she truly realized that this ancient practice is what she would pursue in her future. After studying daily with her teacher Yan and progressing at an impressive pace, she started assisting her and began to deepen her understanding of postures, philosophy and breathing techniques. Participating in a series of workshops led by experienced teachers including Kranti, Mark Robberds, Dany Sa, practicing daily and assisting her teacher were all important parts of her journey and at the end 2017, Feifei’s life took her from China to Europe, Prague where she continues her yoga journey and hopes to pass on her knowledge onto students, deepening her personal practice and study along the way.

Fei teaches evening mysore and occasionally subs morning classes.

Martina Pacovská

Martina je studentkou doktorského studia Andragogiky, aktivní hráčkou golfu, učitelkou němčiny. Mimo jiné pracuje pro hotelový a golfový klub v Praze. Po letech docházení na různé komerční lekce jógy, objevila Asthanga Vinyasa jógu. V létě 2018 navštívila Mysore a měla možnost praktikovat pod vedením Sharatha Joise. V Mysore studovala také indickou filozofii s profesorem M.A. Narasimhanem a jógové sútry s doktorkou M.A. Jayashree, dále pak Sanskrit s Laksmishem.


"Jsem nesmírně vděčná, že mám možnost praktikovat v Shala Prague s úžasnou učitelkou Denisou. Namasté."

Martina učí některé večerní a ranní mysore lekce. 

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Rebecca Newbold

Meet Becca. She is from Cleveland, Ohio US and recently moved to Prague in October 2021.

Becca has been practicing Ashtanga yoga since 2011. She deepend her practice when she took an Ashtanga Teacher Training in 2014 under Taylor Hunt from Ashtanga Yoga Columbus. After a few years of self practice and teaching, she went to India in 2017 to practice with Saraswathi Jois in Mysore, India. After 3 trips to Mysore, she opened Ashtanga Yoga Lakewood with her good friend Danielle DePompei, who is still running the shala in Lakewood, Ohio. 

Becca is a traveler at heart. She has ended most of her India trips with travel to several other countries and has studied with many teachers all over the world. She is a lover of all animals, nature and sustainable practices. She will cook you the most magnificent vegan meal and she will listen with all ears and an open heart to whatever you have to say. She hopes to return to India in the next few years to continue her studies in Mysore.

Rebecca covers Saturday Led Primary and mysore classes.


Sandra Laurencová

Sandra přišla na cestu jógy při studiu na FF UK. Z přílišného sezení a kvůli bolestem zad hledala uvolnění a protažení v józe. Vyzkoušela bikram jógu, vinyasu, power jógu, ale její srdce získala až ashtanga. Po ukončení studia cestovala za jógou opakovaně do Mysore v Indii. Studovala u učitele M. V. Chidanandy a získala certifikát lektora jógy. Od roku 2017 je také MŠMT akreditovaná. V listopadu a prosinci 2022 bude studovat v Mysore se Sharathem Joisem.

Stále dbá na prohlubování své ásanové praxe, studia  anatomie (pozice v józe, rehabilitační účinky, asistence v pozicích). Využila workshopu Davida Robsona a Jeleny Vesic, Ty Landrum, Kino McGregor, Larugy), Vipassana v Javorie meditačním centrum na Slovensku, pranayama s V. Venkateshaiah a meditace jako takové.


Sandra učí večerní kurzy pro začátečníky a čtvrteční večerní mysore.


Renata Pacovská


Renata Hošnová


Lisa Nosková

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